Thursday, May 24, 2007

Redecorating!! Part 2

Since we now have the Kitchen and Hallway painted, I thought I would post some pictures of our new kitchen color! It's quite a bit different from the 2 tone orange that was in there before. I am getting used to it finally and it will make a big difference when I find things for the walls!!

I will post more pictures when our new furniture comes in!! Finally after 2 years we will have some furniture!!!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


At the McDaniel house these days we are doing lots of work!! We have just bought new living room and bedroom furniture! So after that we knew that it was time to paint before it was delivered. Instead of taking the 4 months that it took us to do the basement, we decided to hire it done. What a great feeling that is. Monday I came home from work and the bedroom was done and Tuesday my surprise was the living room!! It's raining a little in Lawrence right now so I am hoping for the Kitchen today!! Cross your fingers. Below are some pictures of the bedroom.. we don't have the new furniture yet.. but just imagine it with a King size bed!

I will update with progress on other roooms as soon as they are done!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Sugery :*(

Booker had his first major surgery yesterday! He is doing better today and is ready to play but he isn't supposed to play for 7 days. During his neuter they went ahead and took out some baby teeth that the doctor didn't think were going to fall out on their own, so he is in a little more pain than usual. The poor little guy has to be cooped up all day with no toys because his teeth will not heal if he chews on them. I am sure he will be ready to go in no time, I can't wait till he feels better. It's much more fun when he is happy.
Another part of the surgery was the IV... which unfortunately goes in his front leg and they have to shave his hair there. So the picture above you can see the arrow on his left front let where they shaved him. He looks like a poodle on that one leg. It will grow back one of these days. But it ruined his pretty haircut!!