Thursday, July 30, 2009

I love my new living room!!

Here are a couple of pictures of our new family room! I love it. My mom and I were so lucky to have found the great area rug so quickly... I thought I was going to be looking for months and it didn't even break the bank!

The Lawrence Hillbillies have arrived in The Woodlands!!

Since our yardwaste collection only happens once a week on Tuesday's, and we have lots of overgrown trees, last night we had to use the good ole Jetta to help us get rid of some extra brush! This was us loading up the Jetta to head to the recycling center.

Booker is really wondering what the heck is going on! I think he was a little confused at what we were doing. Everyone that drove by and saw us trimming our own trees looked at us pretty funny. I mowed the lawn earlier in the day and had people staring at me too. We have concluded that nobody around here mows their own lawn or does any yardwork. Well they haven't seen anything yet! Wait till next Spring when I plant all my own flowers and pots!!

Good thing Dad showed up after a meeting downtown, we used his Mercury rental car for the other load! Thanks Dad!

Booker's New Haircut Texas Style!

He looks good as new! It's much shorter (you can't tell) but they did a good job! I think I found my new place! Just a little work on his beard and we will be good.

This picture was him checking out his food container.... I had just refilled it so he was Mr. Curious!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

New Kitchen Cabinet Hardware!!

Here is the before and after for the Kitchen cabinets... so much better and we will be able to get them open!



Picutures of the house coming soon!

As soon as we get everything done!

Another new experience!!

Tonight we had a lizard in the house... you won't find that as often in Kansas! Luckily it was just a baby pink salamander and it was easily caught, but now I am going to be a little worried about sleeping.. EEks, can you imagine waking up to that on you!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Fire Ants... watch out! My first bite!!

Tonight I got stung/bit (whatever you call it) by a couple of fire ants! I got lucky that I didn't mess with the entire colony, but I got the idea of what it would be like for me, Jeff or Booker if we ever got into more than just 2. We had just sprayed Mosquito stuff on each other to go on a walk when I walked away from the house and thought Jeff had sprayed it in an open wound on my ankle.. when I looked down, I realized I had FIRE ANTS! It was not pleasant and burned for a while. I am attaching a picture of my tiny welt in case you were wondering! It was on my ankle!!

I had to share so you would know what it was like if you are ever visiting us! Needless to say we killed them tonight.. and they are gone!! Thank goodness Booker didn't try to sniff the mound or he would have had them up his nose and we would have had ourselves a vet bill :)

Monday, July 06, 2009

We are in Texas and starting to adjust!!

All of these pictures are of Booker, because for right now he is the most confused!! We are living in Humble Texas for 10 days then on to the new home! We all can't wait, living with 1 plate, 1 bowl and no chairs or a bed is a little difficult!! At least we now have internet and TV here!

Think he is guarding the stairway so that he doesn't get left!!

Still guarding!

Guarding the master bedroom door.. anytime we walk around on the 2nd floor he makes sure he is right there!

Here he is starting to adjust. This is his "pop up" house that he is sleeping in while we are in temporary living.. he is starting to feel at home, I gave him both of his purple pillows so how could he not be at "home." His favorite pillows!!

Another shot. So cute and peaceful next to our airbed :)