Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

I know some of you have been waiting for this for a bit, so here it is! 23 weeks today and here are the pictures to prove it! I was looking at 10 week pictures vs. 23 week pictures, so I thought I would share! I hope I get my before body back!! :) Little buddy is growing big!

10 weeks
23 weeks

Back to the doctor on Friday, will post the progress... no sono, but will get to hear his hearbeat! Next up I am sure is the glucose test and sono at 26 weeks!

Saturday, May 08, 2010

McBaby's room is getting closer to done everyday!

Here are some pictures of McBaby's room as it sits right now. We have a bit left to do and a few tweaks to do on some things we already have, but we are making big progress. We have a lamp for the 5 drawer dresser on order that will hopefully match perfectly and we have picked out some frames for that space to the right of the window as you walk into the bathroom. So here are the pictures I hope you enjoy as much as I already am!!

It's a good thing we have gotten as much done as we have, some Dallas friends with a 6 week old are coming to visit tonight and they have a great setup here for the little guy! We can't wait to have Jenny, Scott and Tucker here tonight! :)

We had Yaya here this week helping us get some more things ready and she found the curtains for us, they match perfectly. We had to get them up before she left us! She has a good eye!

Below is the look from his room into his bathroom! We had just the right spot for a changing table in the bathroom right by the sink. We are really excited to have this handy space!

Clean sheets and a new mattress, just for our house guests, and for our newest little house guest in September :) I think he will like it!

Rock Chalk! Here are the blocks on the bare shelf of McBaby's hutch! They are so cute and his first set of blocks! The best part about these blocks are that they were given to him by some great friends that are K-State fans!! So sweet of them to buy something KU for us :) Thanks guys!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the Moms out there! A big thank you to my MOM for staying with us for the week and helping me with LOTS of things this week! I don't know what we would do without you!

Monday, May 03, 2010

I can feel McBaby! :)

Well after a few weeks of waiting... the feeling of movement finally appeared! Everyone tells you it feels like butterflies or gas bubbles. You really don't know what it will feel like until it happens and you gasp and think.. that was it!! Then you wait and wait for it to happen again! I have decided that those that said gas bubbles are the closest description, but I would also say that it feels like digesting something when you eat after being really hungry if that makes sense ?!? The best I can tell he is awake and moving about every 3 hours and I had to laugh when he started moving today in my Monday meeting :) It was much more enjoyable than the meeting itself!

I hope to post pics this week on Wednesday or so, I will be at 22 weeks!!

For now I will just enjoy the movin and shakin! :)