Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We have joined the Mini-Van Club

Welp - We joined the club of the mini-van drivers! It will have much more room for our 9 hour drives to KS. I am opposed to having to lift a carseat up to the level of an SUV and I love my automatic doors, so hey it works for us! I will be very sad to leave the camry behind, but it will luckily stay in the family for now!

Booker can even see out of his windows that only roll down half way!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Packson's Room is Finished!!!

This week was very eventful with the girls in town, they got everything on the walls and lots of great things finished. The pictures don't do it justice by any means, but I might be biased just a bit! I will try to give you the tour and tell you about all the pieces of the room!

Packson got a great surprise when he got these towels, I had not planned on these, but I love them. The piece on the wall the girls found at the Furniture store where we got Pack's furniture.
With the towels, here is the rest of the bathroom for changing the little man and keeping him clean after his bathtime. The "curtain" was one of Cindy's great ideas, it's a curtain rod with ribbon hanging from it with sparkly things and pictures of Yaya, Papou, Grandma and Grandpa, as well as cousins Ewan and Benon. This way Packson has some fun stuff to look at when he is getting his diaper's changed.
Here are the towels all embroidered with his initials :) In chocolate and blue to match everything.
Packson's name is on the wall above his crib, so now it's official. The lighting was not as good as I had hoped in this picture so the colors look a little washed out. The letters on the wall are blue to match his bedding, and he has a new blue and white monkey mobile to gaze at from bed :)
Over the chest of drawers we have a new wall hanging, it's so appropriate for us dog loving folks. We know that Packson will love his doggy as much as we do. As for Booker he is still getting used to the new "Baby doll" that we are practicing with. The Frame says "Snips and Snails & Puppy Dog Tails, that's what little boys are made of." Another piece the girls found at the furniture store.

Here is a look from the door walking into the room, the frames on the wall by the curtain were a gift from Mom and Dad at the Shower in Independence, we have to get some pics in there very soon.

Here is a shot from the bathroom looking towards the door, his shelves are filling up!! You can't see it from these pictures but we got a cute little KU piggy bank from Karla that sits right by the Kansas Jayhawk blocks. Sir Packson is ready to become a KU fan.

A shot of the hutch and rocker. Note the baby blanket on the rocker. Packson's blanket from his Great Grandma Schroeder all washed and ready to go. He will use this one for sure, I got mine out and though it was very worn it's still in good shape. So this will be one blanket that he can use, I always did :)

Looking into the entrance of his room, I had the idea that we needed something for the wall right as you walked in and the girls found this one. Very cute cross and it really does make it look like someone lives in there now! Very very soon he will. Also, the Jayhawk on the door handle is super cute to get him ready as well. Thanks Scott Cowman Family for that one!

A close up of the cross, everything matched perfectly!
So that is an up close and personal walk through Packson's room for those of you that live many many miles away and can't see it right away.

Now for the Dr. Visit update. We had an ultrasound and everything was good. He was showing off his face, chubby cheeks and even his boy parts for us! The measurements estimate he is 7.3lbs (or 7lbs 5oz), but she said he could be as small as 6.5 at this point too. All looked good and his amniotic fluid levels are still good, so we were happy with that. Doc thinks based on my size when I was born that he will be around 8.5lbs. Let's hope he is on the 6.5 side now so he can be between 7.5 and 8.0 pounds :) in 2 weeks.

She did check me again and I was between a 1-2 cm, and more effaced than last week (she didn't give us a number, she just said my cervix had thinned out more). She again said his head was really low and I asked her about the stations and she said he was at a -1, so making his way down. She said he is coming very soon :) She mentioned that she was on call this weekend so if he wanted to come this weekend that would be fine too :). We are going to wait another week to go back to the dr (she talked about having us go back earlier), but we will go back next Friday and if we haven't had him by then, we will go back that next week early in the week (Aug 23) and she is going to begin the process of trying to put me in labor. She is going to strip the membranes that week and see what happens, and there is a 50/50 chance of that putting me into labor. I think she wants to go ahead with it for 2 reasons, 1 - so she can deliver him and 2 so that he doesn't get too big in there!

So all in all, he is most likely coming before September 8 and possibly even in August at this rate! We are just glad that everything looks healthy in there. Now we are just saying our prayers for a healthy and safe delivery to get him here! I will keep everyone updated and will post pictures as soon as I can (or Jeff) after he is born. We are ready and waiting Packson!

Lastly a HUGE THANK YOU to Cindy, Sharon and Yaya for helping us with everything this week! We couldn't have done it without you! We love you!

Friday, August 06, 2010

McBaby has a name!

I know I promised the name reveal very soon, so I thought now that the family knows I would go ahead and post the name!

McBaby is going to be Packson Robert McDaniel on his big day! Packson is a name that I have always loved and a name that we don't mind the nickname at all, so that was our choice. Robert just so happens to be Papoo Schroeder and Grandpa McDaniel's 1st name so it works out great!

We learned from the Dr. today that I am 1 cm dialiated and 70% effaced.. so Packson is starting to make his move for the door. Dr. Richter doesn't think he will come like next week or anything, but she does think he will come before his due date. I was surprised that 70% was the number I thought it sounded high, but I had a friend that was at 1cm and 80% for 3 weeks before induction... so we will see what happens. She acted like she would induce before if I was uncomfortable and I might take her up on that.. we will see. If I can get through the next couple of weeks of work I will be happy!
The old body is starting to be a little more uncomfortable to live in, but I am still sleeping and moving around ok. Just getting a little more whiney! :) I would also say that I don't look great in this picture but you get the idea. I thought I needed to keep posting it. This is 35.5 weeks along our journey.